525 +/- ACRES


Rare Opportunity – Prime Greenbrier Valley Farm

Agent Contact:
Richard Grist, 304.645.7674


The Jarrett Farm has a long and rich history and was well known throughout the historic Greenbrier Valley as a top cattle farm. The Jarrett’s owned and operated the farm from the 1800’s until recently, when the last surviving member of the original family passed away.

The pastoral setting of the farm is further complimented by the nearby charming village of Lewisburg. Historic architecture, vibrant arts scene, delectable cuisine, boutiques and art galleries form an eclectic mix that enriches the laid-back lifestyle of the Valley.

The area is blessed with modern medical facilities, a major airport, great shopping and all the conveniences found in larger cities. Still yet, with more cattle than people in the area, it is easy to get to know your neighbors and form lasting friendships. www.GreenbrierWV.com

The world famous Greenbrier Resort is just 20 minutes east and Snowshoe Resort is only 90 minutes drive north. The Greenbrier River and New River plus 5 state parks offer unlimited outdoor recreational opportunities.


The Jarrett Farm is located in Greenbrier County, West Virginia, about 10 minutes west of the historic village of Lewisburg.

From the intersection of Route 219 and Route 60 in Lewisburg, travel US Route 60 west 8 miles and the property will be on both sides of the road. The property may also be reached by taking the Alta Interchange (#161) on I-64 and traveling east on Route 60 for 2 miles and the property will be on the left.

Coordinates are:
Latitude 037 52″ 31.92′ N
Longitude 080 31″ 45.49′ W
Decimal Coordinates (Google):
Latitude 037.8767088 N
Longitude 080.5289162 W
Elevation ranges from 2118′ to 2334′


The Jarrett farm contains approximately 175 beautiful acres of rolling agricultural land. Cattle graze on seasonal grasses in the pastures and several tons of hay are produced annually from the hay fields. A portion of the open land is suitable for row crop production. The soils and elevation are also very well suited for the production of grapes and would make a great vineyard.

The pasture areas are fenced for the most part. A common boundary with the adjoining farm is currently not fenced through the field since one tenant operates both farms.

Greenbrier County is noted for its production of beef cattle and the Jarrett Farm has long maintained a presence in the production of quality Black Angus beef.

A large corrugated metal building is currently used for tractor and farm implement storage. There is a weigh scales and loading facility located at the roadside.


The Jarrett farm is blessed with a beautiful forest that has been well tended to over the 120 years of the Jarrett Family’s ownership. A morning walk in the forest offers a welcome respite from all the daily cares of the world. Listening to the wood thrush signing in the canopy is one dividend Wall Street can never promise.

Several Heritage Trees can be found scattered throughout the forest and field edges. These ancient trees, some 200-300 years old, have withstood the test of time, weathering ice, wind, lightning strikes, fire and of course, woodpeckers.

The forest is home to a vast array of wildlife which includes an amazing variety of song birds, owls, hawks, woodpeckers, ravens and wild turkeys. White tailed deer, raccoon, opossums, rabbits, chipmunks, coyotes, bobcats and maybe a black bear with her cubs enjoy the protection offered by the forest.

The forest floor is home to several types of mushrooms, medicinal plants, wild ginseng, ferns and cool green mosses. One could spend a lifetime getting to know this inviting environ.

There are approximately 375 forested acres containing valuable hardwood timber in various age classifications. Trees making up the forest are Black Walnut, White Oak, Tulip Poplar, Red Oak, Sugar Maple, Hickory and Mountain Ash.

The majority of the forest was lightly thinned 20 to 25 years ago. There is an exceptional stand of medium aged timber that will be ready for harvest in the next 10 years. There are several thousand trees that could be harvested now but given a little time, these trees will mature into world class Veneer, export logs and high quality sawlogs.

A 60 acre portion of the property on the western most section was selectively thinned in 2004 under the guidance of a professional forester. This section is responding nicely to the thinning and the trees are growing rapidly and are healthy. No forest pests such as Gypsy Moth or Emerald Ash Borer have been found on the property.

Some areas of the farm that were once cleared for pasture have been abandoned for agricultural use and are evolving into a well stocked hardwood forest that will be ready for harvest in the next 20-25 years.

A nice system of trails is already in place that is currently being used for hiking, horseback riding and ATV riding.


The coal, oil& gas, sand and stone rights will convey with the property. There are no leases currently let and the property will convey with a fee simple title. All prospective purchasers are encouraged to have an attorney do a title search prior to purchasing.

The Marcellus Shale underlies the property at a depth of 5000’+ and oil and gas companies are actively leasing for the natural gas in the area. The east coast Marcellus Shale Region is thought to contain enough natural gas to power the United States for over 100 years. The horizontal drilling technology necessary to reach the mile deep shale strata has rapidly evolved and drilling in the Marcellus strata is a reality in WV.

There are no known coal reserves underlying the property.


The Greenbrier Valley has a most unique geological formation called Karst Topography, which is an underlying system of caves and caverns that have been slowly carved out of the limestone rock strata over millions of years.

This weathering away of the limestone produces lots of interesting formations both above and below ground and one can spend hours exploring for stalactites, stalagmites and fossils.


The property is assessed in the name of George G. Levin, et ux, in 4 tax parcels. 3 parcels are located in Lewisburg District (#9) on Tax Map 6, parcels 24,27 and 34. The 4th parcel is assessed in Williamsburg District (#18), Tax Map 61, parcel 14.1.

Taxes for 2009 were assessed as Class III property in the amount of $3,219.59. The farm is currently being used for grazing cattle and it is possible a substantial reduction in the tax amount could be made should all or a portion of the property qualify at the Class II rate. This could be determined by applying for Farm Use Valuation with the county assessor. Tax information may be found online at www.GreenbrierAssessor.com

The deed is recorded in the Greenbrier County Courthouse, Lewisburg, WV in Deed Book 496, page 39.


All portions of the property lying in the Lewisburg District are subject to Greenbrier County’s Open Conservation Zoning Ordinance. Any portions of the property located in the Williamsburg District are not subject to a county zoning ordinance. Further information on county zoning may be found at www.GreenbrierCounty.net.


There is electric and phone service on the property. Public water, sewer or cable is not available at this time.

Water may be provided by drilled well or spring. Sewer would be provided by installing a county approved septic system.

Satellite providers such as HughesNet provide high speed internet service. Television reception may be provided by either DirectTV or DishNetwork.

Cell phone coverage is adequate in most places on the property.

Weekly trash pick up, daily newspaper and daily mail delivery is available at roadside.


The property was completely surveyed in 2007 by Rickford Walton, Professional Surveyor, P.O. Box 75, Leivasy, WV, 26676. The boundary was found to contain 525.75 acres. The boundary lines have been marked at the corners with iron pins and orange paint. The lines in between the corner markers have been flagged with orange or blue flagging.

The property is served by US Route 60, which is a year round, state maintained, paved highway. The property fronts on the highway for 1.25 miles. Public school buses run daily when school is in session.

The Alta Interchange (#161) on Interstate 64 is two miles west of the property.


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