304 ACRES +/- and Two Homes


Stunning picturesque farm

Agent Contact:
Richard Grist, 304.645.7674

The Seven Hills Farm is a stunning 304 acre multiple use property in the most picturesque area of Monroe County West Virginia.  The farm offers a charming American Style Cottage surrounded by mature perennial gardens.  Long range views of the surrounding mountains and rolling hills add to the charm and grace Seven Hills has been known for since the early 1800’s.  Low taxes, clean water, clean air and friendly people.

Numerous and various species of migratory songbirds, blue birds and finches are found on the property. Their songs are easily heard as there is not much in the way of extraneous noises in the area. This lack of outside noise creates a very tranquil setting and is a rare find in today’s industrialized world operating at breakneck speed.

The charming village of Union, which is the Monroe County seat, is just a 10 minute drive. Banking, healthcare facilities, drugstore, grocery shopping and a great family restaurant are readily available. Some of the friendliest people in West Virginia can be found in Monroe County. Monroe County has a population of about 13,000 residents and does not have a stoplight and has more cattle and sheep than people.  There are no fast food restaurants but there is the local restaurant, “Kalico Kitchen”,  in downtown Union that is packed each morning for breakfast and then again for lunch.

Lewisburg, which is the Greenbrier County seat, was voted the Coolest Small Town in American in 2011 and is just a 15 minute drive to the thriving downtown historic district. The downtown boasts a year round live theater, Carnegie Hall, several fabulous restaurants, antique shops and boutiques.  There is also a modern hospital and all attendant medical facilities along with all the big box stores. The farm’s location lies within the required driving time for physicians working at the hospital.

The Greenbrier County Airport, which has WV’s longest runway, is located just 30 minutes away and has daily flights to Atlanta and Washington DC. The world famous Greenbrier Resort is about 20 minutes’ drive and Snowshoe Ski Resort is about 2 hours’ drive. Roanoke is 90 minutes, DC is 4 hours and Charlotte is 3 hours away.


Seven Hills is located in on Rt2-Box 49A  (2096 Charles Booth Road), Sinks Grove, Monroe County, West Virginia, about 10 minutes north of the historic village of Union (county seat). Elevation of the farm ranges from 2220’ at the house to 2400’ on the highest peak overlooking the Rayburn Draft below.

Google Coordinates for the house are:
LATITUDE 037.6460 N
LONGITUDE 080.4671 W


The main residence was custom built for the owners by Dave Osborne in 1990.  It is a brick, passive solar “cottage” with many green features built into its design. The interior is designed for comfort with an open floor plan. Large south facing windows offer a beautiful view of the rolling hills and mature perennial gardens that bloom from very early spring until late fall.

The first floor open plan consists of a kitchen, dining/living area, two bedrooms, a full bath and a mudroom-laundry room. Newly resurfaced oak flooring runs throughout the downstairs.

The upstairs features a master bedroom, sitting room with built in bookcases, and full bath. All bedrooms have large closets and are cedar lined. The master suite has sky windows, tongue-in-groove knotty pine paneling and new wall to wall carpeting.

The sun provides warmth in the winter and in the summer sugar maple trees coupled with a well-designed roof overhang keep the interior cool. The home can be heated with 1-1½ cords of firewood per year using the Tulikivi soapstone fireplace, with the assist of a heat pump which was added in 2011.  The heat pump also provides air conditioning though it is rarely needed.

A new metal roof was installed in 2009.


The extensive gardens are spectacular and can be described as an American Cottage Garden.  There are more than 10,000 daffodils with at least 20 varieties that start blooming in February and continue until May. There are about 80 varieties of day lily flowering from late May to mid-September. Also there are blue Lycoris, fern leafed Peony and Amsonia. Enjoy the trickling water fall and lily pond with is particularly enchanting in early morning and again just before dusk.

The owners have also planted over 50 different species of shrubs and trees creating an amazing natural space for studying and enjoying both native and exotic large plant specimens. Just a short walk from the cottage can be found a copper beech, smoketree, tamarack and cypress.

For a complete list of plants and extensive information on the garden and arboretum, please see THE GARDENS & ARBORETUM – OWNER’S NARRATIVE under “DOCUMENTS” on this site.


Adjacent to the main residence is a traditional wooden barn with stall areas, corn criband hay loft. A 30’x60’ steel pole shed has been added to this barn to store equipment and hay. There are also a workshop/potting shed with attached woodshed and storage room.

Adjacent to the tenant house is the oldest barn built around 1860 and constructed with pegged and chestnut logs. The barn is preserved by a frame cover for protection and is in very good condition.  Next to the log barn is a milking building and shop building that is in need of repair.


This well-preserved frame house was constructed in 1855 and has been remodeled numerous times over the years. Exterior square footage is 1800+/-. The flooring, wiring and chimney have been recently updated. It has a new septic system, new doors and windows. It is heated by a large vented LP gas floor heater and separate wood stove. It has a large living room, three bedrooms, one bath, a nice kitchen with knotty pine paneling and a finished attic.  The house is currently rented on a month to month basis.

Adjacent to the tenant house is a masonry cellar building that houses the well apparatus, with a shop overhead.  This building could also serve as a root cellar for storing potatoes and vegetables canned from the garden.


Seven Hills contains approximately 180 acres of gently rolling meadows, hay fields, pastures, and garden areas. About 40 head of cattle along with their attendant calves graze on seasonal grasses in the pastures. Much of the land would be suitable for growing corn or other small grain crops. Sheep also do well in this area and one might consider raising alpacas or llamas.

The soils and elevation would be well suited for establishing a vineyard or fruit orchard. There is only 500’ in elevation change across the entire boundary which runs the perimeter of the property for over 18000’ (about 3.5 miles!).

There is no shortage of room to establish a vegetable garden and the rich soil and abundant sunshine is perfect for growing tomatoes, potatoes, lettuce, squash, cucumbers, carrots, onions and any of the “Greens” (kale-collards).

The open land is fenced and cross fenced and the Australian high tensile fencing is considered very good on most areas of the farm. Water for livestock is provided by watering troughs fed by the spring and well.
There are approximately 30 acres in 4 separate fields currently in hay production. These fields produce about 150 – 1000’ round bales each season. They have been limed and fertilized on a regular basis and are considered to be in above average condition. The rich, “sweet” soils are perfect for producing hay and this land could also be used in the production of corn, pumpkins etc.
Another 150 acres presently in meadows and pasture and have been limed and fertilized on a regular schedule based on pH and soil samples taken as specified by the USDA.
Monroe County ranks 3rd out of 55 counties in WV for the production of beef and 1st in the production of sheep. Seven Hills is considered to be one of the county’s nicer grazing boundaries.

The hay fields are currently being harvested by Larry Elmore and the pastures are rented by Larry Echols. Annual rental is paid to the owners by the farm Lessee’s.


Crystal clear and clean water is abundant on Seven Hills Farm. A blue line stream meanders through the farm down the Raeburn Draft for nearly a mile. Several other seasonal and ephemeral streams are found on the property.  These streams and creeks flow into Second Creek just about a mile below the property and Second Creek is considered one of the best trout fishing streams in WV.

Two springs have been “boxed in” and have historically been used to provide water for the cattle.  A deep water well was drilled to serve the main residence and tenant house and has a flow of 100+ gallons per minute.


Seven Hills has a 120+/- acres of mature forestland, some of which could be considered “Heritage Trees”.  These ancient trees, some 200-300 years old, have withstood the test of time, weathering ice, wind, lightning strikes, fire and of course – woodpeckers. One extremely large Mockernut Hickory (Carya tomentosa) growing in the meadow below the main residence, has a circumference of over 15 feet.  There are also several Black Walnut trees scattered about that are very beautiful and stately and produce an abundance of tasty walnuts in the fall of the year.

Some of the species found on the property are Black Walnut, White Oak, Tulip Poplar, Red Oak, Sugar Maple, Hickory, Sycamore and Ash. No forest pests such as Gypsy Moth or Emerald Ash Borer have been found on the property.

The farm is home to a wide array of wildlife which includes a variety of song birds, owls, hawks, woodpeckers, ravens and wild turkeys. White tailed deer, raccoon, opossums, rabbits, chipmunks, coyotes and bobcats are a part of the resident wildlife population.


The Marcellus Shale underlies the property at a depth of 5000’+. The east coast Marcellus Shale Region is thought to contain enough natural gas to power the United States for over 100 years.
The owners have chosen not to lease the oil and gas rights but the last offer from a leasing company was $60,000 for a three year lease.  All the mineral rights the seller owns will transfer to the purchaser at closing. There are no known coal reserves underlying the property.


In the 1790s the property was still in Virginia. It is considered the oldest property “by deed” in Monroe county, being part of a large holding owned by the Hogshead brothers. Down through the years, the property passed from Hogshead to Hogshead; sometimes the Hogsheads traded with Hogsheads, but thorough the generations, the land stayed in the family. Part of the property remained with Hogshead heirs until purchased by the present owners.

For more interesting information on the history of the property, please see UNIQUE PROPERTY HISTORY – OWNER’S NARRATIVE under DOCUMENTS on this site.


The property is assessed in the name of Thomas Murtaugh ET UX  located in Second Creek District (#4), on Tax Map 24- parcels 29 & 31.2 and Tax Map 25, parcels 3, 6.1 and 6.2 consisting of approximately 304 acres.

Taxes for 2011 were assessed as Class II property in the amount of $710.52. Tax information may be found online at

The deed is recorded in the Monroe County Courthouse, Union, WV in Deed Book 182/pages 206 and 209; DB 185/ page 614 and DB 206/ page 287.


There is currently no county zoning in this area of Monroe County. All prospective purchasers are encouraged to contact the Monroe County Health Department for answers regarding installation of septic systems and water wells. Further information on county zoning may be answered by contacting the county commissioners at


There is electric and phone service on the property. Public water, sewer or cable is not available at this time.

Water to the houses is provided by a shared drilled well.  There are also two springs on the property, one being a year round “freestone spring” and the other is an “iron”spring. Sewage disposal is provided by a conventional drip irrigation septic system.

Satellite providers such as Hughes Net, Jet Blue or and air card may provide high speed internet service. Television reception may be provided by either DIRECTV or Dish Network.

Cell phone coverage is adequate in most places on the property. Weekly trash pickup, daily newspaper and daily mail delivery is available at roadside. UPS and FedEx service this area also.

Electric service cost for both houses: $1,915/year
Propane cost: $787/year
Trash service cost: $231/year
Landline Phone service cost: $804/year
US Cellular 5GB air card internet service cost: $612/year


Access to the property is excellent and is served by year round, state maintained paved highways. The property fronts on the Charles Booth Road for about 7/10’s mile and on the Second Creek Road for about 9/10’s mile.  Public school buses run daily when school is in session.

Much of the property has been surveyed over a period of years by Mountaineer Land Survey, J. Brad Smith, LLS, Sinks Rt.1, Box 306, Sinks Grove WV 24976 and David Holtz PE.  Most of the property is bounded by fence, painted line and county highways.


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