
Wonderful multi–use recreational property with an awesome view

Agent Contact:
Richard Grist, 304.645.7674


Big Creek Forest is a multi-use recreational property with an awesome view from the high flat ridge, the perfect place to build a get-a-way cabin or just enjoy hiking, hunting, 4-wheeling or horseback riding. The forest is lush and the timber is mature… this is not cutover timberland.

Big Creek Forest is an easy 20 minute drive on paved roads to Hinton, the county seat of Summers County. Hinton is called the “River City” because the Bluestone, New and Greenbrier Rivers all combine at Hinton to form the “Mighty New”, 3rd oldest river in the world behind the Nile and the Amazon.

Hinton has a hospital, shopping, restaurants, hardware and grocery stores. The larger towns of Beckley and Lewisburg offer shopping, schools, theatres, modern medical facilities and airports within a 40 minute drive.

Within an 30-45 minutes are located some of the finest recreational facilities in West Virginia. Winterplace Ski Resort, whitewater rafting/fishing on the New River and Gauley River, 2000 acre Bluestone Lake, Pipestem State Park and Resort and the 80,000 acre New River National Gorge National Park. Five other area state parks and state forests offer unlimited hiking, horseback riding, ATV riding and rock climbing opportunities.

Elevations on the property run from 2617’ to 1933’. The property’s coordinates are

LAT 037.6990546N LON 080.7812063W


The 257 acres is mostly wooded and has considerable timber value as the timber has not been commercially harvested in over 40 years. With excellent hardwood quality and numerous pole-sized and sawlog-sized stems, the tract’s timber resource is well-positioned for product shifts over the coming decade which will drive its long-term asset value growth. Sawlog volumes are dominated by Sugar Maple, Yellow Poplar and Red Oak, three fast-growing species with historically strong veneer and lumber market demand.

There are some nice trails in place to enjoy hiking, riding ATV’s or horses. Some of the property was in fields prior to WWII and large piles of field stone are found along the old field edges. These stone piles are a lasting testament of the backbreaking work the early mountaineers put in to create a homestead. There are some small open areas on the southern half of the property that could be cleaned up for wildlife foodplots.

Beechnuts, Hickory nuts, sweet White Oak and Red Oak Acorns provide a sustainable food source for the squirrels, chipmunks, whitetail deer and wild turkey that live in abundance in the forest. The blue line stream provides a water source for the wildlife.

Many species of songbirds and woodpeckers that thrive in the special habitat that large older trees and younger emerging stands make their home in this special forest environ. It is exciting to see and hear the large and very vocal Pileated Woodpecker, with its bright red crest dressed in a black and white tuxedo, sweep through the tall canopy in search of a morning snack.


“Big Creek” is a tremendous blue line stream running through the heart of the property for over a mile. Big Creek originates (“heads up”) at the most northern section of the property and flows for over a mile through the heart of the property. There are three blue line feeders on the left hand side of the property as well as 10 other ephemeral streams contributing the flow of the creek during seasonal rain events.

Some of the largest trees on the property are found along the stream. The streamside environment provides habitat for crawfish, newts and salamanders. A great place for kids of all ages to turn over some rocks and see what just might be living there.

The elevation drop of only 684’ along the mile long creek from 2617’ at the head to 1933’ where it exits the property makes for an enjoyable hike along the creek.

When the creek leaves the property it flows for another 3.5 miles before terminating at the Greenbrier River near Wiggins.


Big Creek Forest is located in the small community of Judson in Summers County, WV. Situated between the sleepy towns of Hinton and Alderson, the property lays high on the mountain in the shadow of Keeny Knob, the highest point in Summers County. Covered by forested hills and graced by the Greenbrier and New River Rivers, Alderson, Hinton and the surrounding villages offer the best of southeastern West Virginia’s natural beauty. The larger cities of Lewisburg and Beckley are a 45 minute drive.

The parcel offers those from more urban areas the opportunity for a rural retreat well within a two hour’s drive of Roanoke, VA and 4 hour drive to Washington, DC and 3.5 hours to Charlotte.


The mineral rights including all coal, oil and natural gas that the seller has will be conveyed with the property. There are no current leases on the property.


Summers County has no zoning in this area.

Permits for drilling a water well or installing a septic system need to be obtained from the Summers County Health Department.


There is electric service on the property. Cell phone coverage is considered to be good. High Speed Internet connection is possible through HuhesNet Satellite or wireless mobile broadband air card. Television reception is possible through DISH or DirecTV satellite.

There is no public water or sewer available at this time. Drilled water wells and standard drip irrigation septic systems commonly provide water and sewer in the area.


The property fronts on paved road CR 8 for 1000’ (Bal Noble Road). Snow and ice removal for the county road is provided by the WV DOH. School buses travel the county road when school is in session. Garbage pickup, newspaper, postal and overnight courier service is available.

The property has been surveyed by SCS Surveying, David Huffman, Licensed Land Surveyor and Chambers Land Surveying, Jeff Chambers, Licensed Land Surveyor.

Survey Plats are available when visiting the property.


Property is assessed in Summers County, WV, Greenbrier District, Tax Map 5, parcel 8 (253.536 acres) and Talcott District, Tax Map 10, parcel 12 (3.665 acres) containing in the aggregate approximately 257.201 acres.

Taxes for 2012 were $1023.52.

Deeds are recorded in Summers County Courthouse in Hinton WV in Deed Book 199, page 606 and Deed Book 224, page 480.


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