
Excellent multi–use recreational property

Agent Contact:
Richard Grist, 304.645.7674


Excellent multi-use recreational woodland property with trails and plenty of wildlife just 10 minutes from downtown White Sulphur Springs and 20 minutes from Lewisburg. Tuckahoe Lake is just a mile down the road.

Just minutes from White Sulphur Springs, the property has a good network of trails running throughout the property and several springs. The property offers several building spots close to Tuckahoe Road and several higher up the mountain with view of Kates Mountain and down the valley.

Also nearby are the Greenbrier State Forest, the Monongahela National Forest, Bluebend Recreation Area and Sherwood Lake. Within an hour’s drive is the Watoga State Park and Snowshoe Ski Resort is about 90 minutes.

Wildlife is abundant and there is no shortage of white tailed deer, wild turkey, squirrels and song birds. The animals enjoy the peace and quiet, while the diversity of the terrain and the mature forest provides an excellent habitat.


Grimmett Forest is located in Greenbrier County, WV just 3.5 miles from downtown White Sulphur Springs, WV. The property has year round access on state maintained paved road and is accessed via Tuckahoe Road.

Elevation Range: 1995’ to 2460’

LAT 037.7549095
LON 080.2695754

Tuckahoe Road
White Sulphur Springs, WV 24986


Greenbrier County
White Sulphur District
Map 33
Parcel 9 – Part of
Deed Book 383
Page 11
Taxes 2012: $100.33

Owner retaining home and acreage across road. Property line to be surveyed prior to closing. Sold by the boundary not by the acre.

All mineral rights are thought to run with the land and the owner will convey all rights they may have at closing. All timber rights will convey with the property.


Greenbrier County has no formal zoning in this area of the county. A countywide major and minor subdivision code is in place that all prospective buyers who wish to subdivide the property should consult with the Greenbrier Planning Commission.

Please call the office for a guided tour.


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