
AUCTION: Friday, October 10, 2014 at 3:00 PM – Flat Mountain Road, Alderson, WV 24910

Agent Contact:
Richard Grist, 304.645.7674


105 Acres +/- offered in the entirety


3:00 pm local time
FRIDAY October 10th, 2014

ALDERSON, Flat Mountain Road, Wild & Wonderful Monroe County WV, 24910

Auction location: 2600 Flat Mountain Road, Alderson, WV 24910

This outstanding property is within the 4-5 hour easy driving range of many major cities, including Washington D.C., Baltimore, Charlotte, Richmond, Charlottesville, Pittsburgh, Raleigh, and others.

Directions: From Alderson take Flat Mountain Road for approximately 4 miles. Watch for sign on the left side of road adjoining Mountain View Baptist Church.

Auction Inspections: Friday September 26th, Friday October 3rd and Thursday October 9th from 3 pm to 6 pm each day. For private viewing appointments, please contact Randy S. Burdette

The Riverbend USA Auction and Realty Team are pleased to be selected as the auction firm to serve the owners of this outstanding family farm known as Nehemiah Mountain Farm.

Watch this website for more info.

Real Estate: “Nehemiah Mountain Farm” This property is located near Alderson, West Virginia is approximately 105 +/- beautiful acres in one of the prettiest counties in the nation. Monroe County West Virginia does not have the following; traffic lights, 4 lane highways, and other Monroe Country is a beautiful agricultural based county with deep history and is a shining hallmark for West Virginia. Union, West Virginia is the county seat with an open and user friendly county agencies. Hunting is one of the many reasons that folks want land is Monroe as wildlife is abundant; to mention a few, black bear, wild turkey, deer, squirrels, rabbits, raccoons and on and on. Monroe County is so peaceful and scenic but you are not far away for the things in life. Nearby historic Alderson, Lewisburg, White Sulphur Springs, Union, and Hinton, is an easy drive from this property. This is a once in an opportunity to make the best investment on the earth, the earth itself.

This property can be researched in the files of the Monroe Courthouse Clerk tax districts Wolf Creek 9 and Second Creek 4 , Tax map 8 Second Creek, parcel 2 and Wolf Creek map 7, parcel 13 (less any out sales) – Deed Book 243 Page, 700 – Taxes for 2013 $301.96


Begins: Friday, September 26, 2014 at 3:00 PM EDT
Ends: Friday, September 26, 2014 at 6:00 PM EDT
Location: 2600 Flat Mountain Road, Alderson, WV 24910


Begins: Friday, October 03, 2014 at 3:00 PM EDT
Ends: Friday, October 03, 2014 at 6:00 PM EDT
Location: 2600 Flat Mountain Road, Alderson, WV 24910


Begins: Thursday, October 09, 2014 at 3:00 PM EDT
Ends: Thursday, October 09, 2014 at 6:00 PM EDT
Location: 2600 Flat Mountain Road, Alderson, WV 24910

Riverbend USA LLC

304.445.2897 Greenbrier Valley area

Beckley/Raleigh 304.256.0463 or nationwide 1-800-726-2897

Email Internet

Randy S. Burdette, CAI, CES 927 Auctioneer/Broker/REALTOR – Jean Burdette, CES, 1887 Auctioneer/REALTOR –

Real Estate Terms 🙁 Complete terms to be in the Property Information Package)

A 10% Buyers Premium is in effect and shall be added to the auction block price to become part of the total contract deed price.

The property is sold AS IS/WHERE IS.

Deposit amount due at the auction is $15,000 with verifiable funds and/or seller approval and with a total deposit of 10% of the total contract sales price within 3 days of the auction.

The property is being sold by the boundary as described in the deed, approximately 105 +/- acres.

Closing on the real estate is 30-45 days after auction date.

Purchase is responsible for paying ALL closing costs involved in this transaction, regardless of local custom; this will include but not limited to document recording, tax transfer stamps, deed preparation, trust deeds, title insurance, closing agent fee, recording fees, additional survey, title search, etc.

The real estate is offered with highly motivated seller approval.

Come prepared to buy at the auction.

The bidder’s offer is irrevocable for 5 full business days after the auction, pending Seller approval or rejection of said offers.

Notice of agency relationship: the auctioneer/broker is acting as an agent for the Seller in this transaction.

Additional terms, or correction to these terms, will be included in the Property Information Package and all terms will be announced from the block on auction day.

Broker participation is encouraged and invited (downloadable document is on right tool bar). Please contact Randy S. Burdette, Riverbend USA broker, for terms and conditions.

Information is derived from sources believed to be correct but is not guaranteed. It is the responsibility of the buyer and/or the buyer’s agent to determine the accuracy of all measurements, specifications, conditions of this property.

All property is subject to sale prior to action.

Riverbend USA LLC

304.445.2897 Greenbrier Valley area

Beckley/Raleigh 304.256.0463 or nationwide 1-800-726-2897

Email  Internet

Randy S. Burdette, CAI,CES 927 Auctioneer/Broker/REALTOR – Jean Burdette, CES, 1887 Auctioneer/REALTOR

Real Estate Terms 🙁 Complete terms to be in the Property Information Package)

A 10% Buyers Premium is in effect and shall be added to the auction block price to become part of the total contract deed price.

The property is sold AS IS/WHERE IS.

Deposit amount due at the auction is $15,000 with verifiable funds and/or seller approval and with a total deposit of 10% of the total contract sales price within 3 days of the auction.

The property is being sold by the boundary as described in the deed, approximately 105 +/- acres.

Closing on the real estate is 30-45 days after auction date.

Purchase is responsible for paying ALL closing costs involved in this transaction, regardless of local custom; this will include but not limited to document recording, tax transfer stamps, deed preparation, trust deeds, title insurance, closing agent fee, recording fees, additional survey, title search, etc.

The real estate is offered with highly motivated seller approval.

Come prepared to buy at the auction.

The bidder’s offer is irrevocable for 5 full business days after the auction, pending Seller approval or rejection of said offers.

Notice of agency relationship: the auctioneer/broker is acting as an agent for the Seller in this transaction.

Additional terms, or correction to these terms, will be included in the Property Information Package and all terms will be announced from the block on auction day.

Broker participation is encouraged and invited (downloadable document is on right tool bar).  Please contact Randy S. Burdette, Riverbend USA broker, for terms and conditions.

Information is derived from sources believed to be correct but is not guaranteed.  It is the responsibility of the buyer and/or the buyer’s agent to determine the accuracy of all measurements, specifications, conditions of this property.
All property is subject to sale prior to action.


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