
Excellent hiking, hunting and other recreational opportunities within a mature mountain forest

Agent Contact:
Richard Grist, 304.645.7674


Three Falls Cabin and attendant 96 +/- acres offers an excellent hiking, hunting and other recreational opportunities within a mature mountain forest. A bold mountain stream with incredible waterfalls flows through the property and past the cabin. Many of the apple trees and sweet cherry trees planted in the 1920’s can still be found scattered about the old field and garden areas. This property is located in the small farming community of Ramp, in the shadows of Keeny Mountain in Summers County WV.

The rustic cabin was constructed by the present owner in 1978 using lumber sawn on site. The windows were reclaimed from the Meadow River Lumber Co which was the world’s largest hardwood sawmill (ran from 1920 to 1970). The glass in these windows is hand blown and the waves and bubbles in the glass speaks of days gone by. The downstairs hardwood flooring was reclaimed from and old one room school house. The land around the camp is level to rolling suitable for additional building and large garden spot. There is an abundant deer, grouse, squirrel and turkey population.

Three Falls Camp is an easy 15 minute drive on paved roads to Interstate 64 at the Sandstone interchange. Beckley and Lewisburg offer shopping, schools, theatres, modern medical facilities and airports within a 30-40 minute drive. A well-stocked country store is a 10 minute drive located at Sandstone on the New River.

Within an 30-45 minutes are located some of the finest recreational facilities in West Virginia. Winterplace Ski Resort, whitewater rafting/fishing on the New River and Gauley River, 2000 acre Bluestone Lake, Pipestem State Park and Resort and the 80,000 acre New River National Gorge National Park. Five other area state parks and state forests offer unlimited hiking, horseback riding, ATV riding and rock climbing opportunities.

Elevations on the property run from 2277’ to 2786’. The property’s coordinates are

LAT 037.7577409N LON 080.7782604W


The 96 acres is entirely wooded with considerable timber value. There are some nice trails in place to enjoy a quite walk on. Some of the forest was in fields prior to WWII and large piles of field stone are found along the old field edges. These stone piles are a lasting testament of the backbreaking work the early mountaineers put in to create a homestead.

Beechnuts, Hickory nuts, sweet White Oak and Red Oak Acorns provide a sustainable food source for the squirrels, chipmunks, whitetail deer and wild turkey that live in abundance in the forest. The blue line stream provides a water source for the wildlife.

Many species of songbirds and woodpeckers that thrive in the special habitat that large older trees and younger emerging stands make their home in this special forest environ. It is exciting to see and hear the large and very vocal Pileated Woodpecker, with its bright red crest dressed in a black and white tuxedo, sweep through the tall canopy in search of a morning snack.

The bold blue line stream runs through the property for about 1800 feet with a drop in elevation of over 300’. This rapid change in elevation creates the stunning waterfalls where the erosion resistant sandstone stands its ground. The sound of rushing water can be heard from the cabin and a short hike along the creek-side trail winds its way to the falls. Some of the largest trees on the property are found along the stream. The streamside environment provides habitat for crawfish, newts and salamanders. A great place for kids of all ages to turn over some rocks and see what just might be living there.


The hand crafted rustic cabin was constructed by the present owner in 1978 using lumber sawn on site. The windows were reclaimed from the Meadow River Lumber Co which was the world’s largest hardwood sawmill (ran from 1920 to 1970). The glass in these windows is hand blown and the waves and bubbles in the glass speak of days gone by. The downstairs hardwood flooring was reclaimed from and old one room mountain school house. The two story cabin is 20’x30’ with covered decks on both front stories and there is a covered porch at the back door entry way.

The cabin is heated by a wood/coal cook stove piped into a chimney made from creek and field stone from the property. Water for the cabin is supplied by a mountain spring that is piped to a 250 gallon stainless steel storage tank. The electric service is currently not turned on but could be by the new owner if so desired. There is no septic system in place, however, there is a functioning 4’x6’outhouse.

The sturdy cabin has a foundation of stone and timber and the roof is galvanized tin.

The workshop, now being used as the owner’s blacksmith shop, is 12’x12’ is sided and roofed in galvanized tin.


The mineral rights including all coal, oil and natural gas that the seller has will be conveyed with the property. There are no current leases on the property.


Summers County has no zoning in this area.

Permits for drilling a water well or installing a septic system need to be obtained from the Summers County Health Department.


There is electric service on the property. Cell phone coverage is considered to be good. High Speed Internet connection is possible through HuhesNet Satellite or wireless mobile broadband air card. Television reception is possible through DISH or DirecTV satellite.

Water for the cabin is supplied by a mountain spring that is piped to a 250 gallon stainless steel storage tank.

There is no septic system in place, however, there is a functioning 4’x6’outhouse. A septic system could be installed by the new buyer if the convenience of modern facilities is desired.


The property fronts on a paved road for about 500’ on WV County Route 7/6 (Keeny Mountain Road Road). There is a graveled private drive that serves as access to within 1000’ of the cabin, which is then served by an unimproved woods road. Snow and ice removal for the county road is provided by the WV DOH. School buses travel the county road when school is in session. Garbage pickup, newspaper, postal and overnight courier service is available.

Some of the boundary lines have old wire fences running along them. The property has not been recently surveyed but there are metes and bounds calls in the deed from past surveys.


Property is assessed in Summers County, WV, Green Sulphur District, Tax Map 22, parcel 38.7 (12 acres) and Tax Map 23, parcel 4 (84 acres) containing in the aggregate approximately 96 acres.

Taxes for 2012 were $518.89.

Deeds are recorded in Summers County Courthouse in Hinton WV in Deed Book 161, page 686 and Deed Book 112, page 359.


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