179 +/- ACRES


Come breathe that fresh mountain air. Possible Owner Financing

Agent Contact:
Richard Grist, 304.645.7674


***Possible Owner Financing Available***Tempa Forest Preserve is an outstanding multipurpose recreational property with breathtaking long range views from the newly constructed Tempa Lodge. The property has easy access with an abundance of wildlife in a very private setting. At an elevation of 2,600 feet, the air is crisp and clean and the night sky if filled with millions of stars; and in addition, the quiet of the evenings is disturbed only by the sounds of crickets and whippoorwills.A recent timber evaluation indicates a total value of around $111,000 and about $80,000 for a select harvest. Timber cruise available upon request.

Tempa Forest Preserve is named after Francis “Tempa” Williams who settled the area in the early 1800’s. Interestingly, Tempa was, and still is, pronounced “Tempi”.


Tempa Forest is located near the small town of Alderson, West Virginia and less than 30 minutes from the historic community of Lewisburg. Covered by forested hills, and graced by the Greenbrier and New River Rivers, Alderson and the surrounding villages offer the best of southeastern West Virginia’s natural beauty. Located only 16 miles south of Interstate 64, the parcel offers those from more urban areas the opportunity for a rural retreat well within a two hour’s drive of Roanoke, VA and 4 hours drive to Washington, DC.

GPS coordinates are: Latitude 037 43′ 20″ Longitude 080 44′ 55″

Property address is: HC 73 Box 98A, Alderson WV 24910


The current owner of Tempa Forest Preserve has spent many years actively managing the wildlife component of the property. Several food plots, with a mixture of grasses and grains, have been established and maintained throughout the forest to provide a reliable food source for the white tailed deer, wild turkeys and rabbits. The chipmunks and squirrels (grey & fox) get along well with the hard mast of black walnuts, acorns and beechnuts. There are mineral blocks set out to provide the added nutrients that make the white tail buck’s antlers grow larger and stronger. The grassed trails leading from plot to plot have been meticulously maintained and serve not only as access for the owner but the wildlife find them convenient to use also. With several viewing stations installed along the trails, it is easy to spot a 10 point buck munching on acorns or a doe leading her two fawns down to the creek for a drink of cool mountain water. The wild turkey will see you long before you see them but they will continue to feed as long as they do not feel threatened.

There is a tremendous population of neo-tropical song birds as well as jays, ravens, wood thrushes, sparrows and woodpeckers. Overall, there are over 40 different species of birds that call Tempa Forest Preserve home. From the front porch of the lodge, you can sit and listen to the mockingbird sing its amazing bundle of imitations of other birds.


With excellent hardwood quality and numerous pole-sized and sawlog-sized stems, the tract’s timber resource is well-positioned for product shifts over the coming decade which will drive its long-term asset value growth. Sawlog volumes are dominated by Sugar Maple, Yellow Poplar and Red Oak, three fast-growing species with historically strong veneer and lumber market demand.

The oil, gas, coal, quarry (sand & stone) rights are believed to be conveyed with the surface. An offer to lease the oil and gas rights has been made by a Oil and Gas firm interested in the Marcellus Shale reserves. These rights have not been leased by the present owner. All prospective buyers will need to ascertain for themselves through a title search that the mineral rights do in fact convey


Legal access is provided from the property’s 3000′ of frontage along County Highway 7 (Judson Road), an all season state-maintained paved road. Ideal internal access is provided by a private, 2.1-mile gravel and dirt road network that runs along level to rolling terrain, providing property-wide access for future forestry and recreational activities. The property consists of 179.05 surveyed acres and was surveyed in February of 2002, by James E. Wentz, Professional Land Surveyor. The boundaries are defined by survey hacks, old fences, roads, timberlines or fields. The plat is recorded in Summers County Courthouse in Map File B – 98D.


Property taxes for the 2008 tax year were $558.56. The parcel was listed in Talcott District, Summers County on Tax Map 7, parcel 27.1. The deed for the property is found in Deed Book 218, page 63. The plat is recorded in Summers County Courthouse in Map File B – 98D.

As of August 2009, there is no countywide zoning in effect in Summers County. However, all prospective buyers should contact the Summers County Assessor in Hinton regarding any issues involving zoning, developments or building codes.


GPS coordinates are Latitude 037 43′ 20″ Longitude 080 44′ 55″

Address for the property is : HC 73 Box 98A, Alderson WV 24910

Topographic Map: Alderson Quadrangle on USGS 7.5 minute series – this map can be found on the photo tour page for Tempa Forest Preserve on www.foxfirenation.com


Tempa Lodge is a modern, state of the art, multi-purpose steel building. Built in 2005 to withstand heavy snow loads and high winds, this well insulated building has poured concrete walls and foundation. This meets the needs for easy country living while providing great storage space for ATVs, tractors, wildlife feed, bird seed and all things needed to keep Tempa Forest Preserve humming along. Double insulated windows round out this extremely energy efficient building.

The building measures 2100 square feet with two bedrooms, two baths, kitchen and living room. Also included is a 7X30 covered front porch with handicap accessible ramp that is a great place to sit and take in the sunrise and long range views that stretch 25 miles to the state line with Virginia.

The water source for the lodge is served by a deep water well drilled in 2005 and there is also a modern septic system that in place that was installed at the same time.

Heating and cooling is served by a high efficiency heat pump/air conditioning system with emergency backup provided by a propane gas fireplace. There is also a propane fired infrared heater for the storage area.

The electrical service is a 400 amp system.


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