
Agent Contact:
Randy S. "Riverbend" Burdette, 304-667-2897


The Thompson Farm on Wolf Creek, 138 acres of peaceful quiet Wild and Wonderful Monroe County, West Virginia. This property has it all, a quiet location off Route 3 at the 5-mile marker. Late 1970s era brick ranch home, two barns, three levels brick and frame workshop, and a large pole shed for equipment storage. The property includes an incredible ¾ mile (approximately) long stretch of wonderful Wolf Creek. A sportsman paradise with abundant wildlife, good water, ready-to-farm pasture, and much more. Outstanding long-range mountain views await you from the Thompson Farm on Wolf Creek. Easy 15-minute drive to town from a property where you immediately feel at home, but you are not isolated from all the amenities needed for extremely comfortable everyday living. The perfect location to bring family and friends to enjoy the quiet farm life in historic Monroe County.

Tax Assessor land data for Tax Parcel 8 (115 Acres +/-) minus exception

  • Pasture/Hay 65.85 acres (56.9%)
  • Deciduous Forest 40.77 acres (35.3%)
  • Mixed Forest 5.68 acres (4.9%)
  • Developed Open Space of 1.76 acres (1.5%)
  • Evergreen Forest 1.57 acres (1.4%)

Tax Assessor land data for Tax Parcel 8.1 (25 Acres +/-) minus exception

  • Deciduous Forest 17.42 acres (75.7%)
  • Mixed Forest 2.66 acres (11.5%)
  • Developed Open Space of 2.23 acres (9.7%)
  • Developed Low Intensity 0.71 acre (3.1%)


  • 138 acres +/- sold by the boundary
  • All mineral rights available will convey
  • Approximately ¾ mile of wonderful Wolf Creek (blue line)
  • Three bedrooms, two bath brick ranch with attached garage
  • The Thompson brick ranch home, stick-built in circa. 1977, 1482 sq. ft. +/-
  • Large multi-purpose workshop
  • Bank type barn 53 x 30
  • Haybarn 32 x 38.10
  • Large equipment storage pole barn 28 x 70 maximum ceiling height 12.5
  • Entrance drive tool shed 25.8 x 16.4
  • Bedrooms on the entry-level
  • Outstanding decks on the farmhouse
  • You could develop to live off the grid
  • Electric baseboard heat
  • Shingle roof
  • All appliances convey
  • Built-in dishwasher
  • Woodburning fireplace
  • Laminate oak type floors and vinyl
  • Ceiling fans
  • Large closets
  • Vintage birch kitchen cabinets
  • Electric countertop range
  • Built-in electric oven
  • Kenmore side by side refrigerator with built-in water and ice
  • Crawl space
  • Paved parking area at home and the workshop
  • Attached garage 23.5 x 14.6
  • Electric water heater
  • Well drilled by Honaker’s in 2015, 140 feet, 28 feet of casing
  • Remnants of an early grist mill used by the pioneers
  • Outstanding workshop that could be converted into full or partial living quarters
  • Hughes Net Wi-Fi
  • View of mighty Keeney Mountain, the highest point in Summers County
  • Some fencing, currently not cattle grazing – fencing would need to be improved
  • Beautiful sunrises and sunsets


Google Coordinates: 37.677121°(N), -80.643344°(W)
Address: 10057 Wolf Creek Road, Alderson, WV 24910
Elevation Range: 1544 feet to 1874 feet +/-

Estimated drive times

Charleston, WV – 2 hours
Charlotte, NC – 4 hours
Charlottesville, VA – 2.5 hours
Columbus, OH – 5 hours
Huntington, WV – 3 hours
Knoxville, TN – 4 hours
Lexington, KY – 5 hours
Lexington, VA – 1.5 hours
Martinsburg, WV – 3.5 hours
Morgantown, WV – 3 hours
Nashville, TN – 6 hours
Pittsburgh, PA – 4 hours
Raleigh, NC – 5 hours
Roanoke, VA – 2 hours
Richmond, VA – 4 hours
Staunton, VA – 2 hours
Washington, DC – 4.5 hours
Wheeling, WV – 4.5 hours

USDA Farm Stats for Monroe County

Total and Per Farm Overview, 2017

  • Number of farms 929
  • Land in farms (acres) 145,001 acres
  • Average size of farm (acres) 156 acres
  • Market value of products sold 22,553,000
  • Government payments 363,000
  • Farm-related income 2,686,000
  • Total farm production expenses 19,666,000
  • Net cash farm income 5,937,000

Per farm average ($)

  • Market value of products sold 24,276
  • Government payments (average per farm receiving) 3,557
  • Farm-related income 13,776
  • Total farm production expenses 21,169
  • Net cash farm income 6,390

Farms by Value of Sales Number

  • Less than $2,500      423
  • $5,000 to $9,999      116
  • $10,000 to $24,999   110
  • $25,000 to $49,999   79
  • $50,000 to $99,999   28l
  • $100,000 or more      54

Farms by Size Number

  • 1 to 9 acres            113
  • 10 to 49 acres       242
  • 50 to 179 acres     332
  • 180 to 499 acres   179
  • 500 to 999 acres   48
  • 1,000 + acres         15

Top Crops in Acres

  • Forage (hay/haylage), all            23,192
  • Corn for silage or greenchop       763
  • Corn for grain                                466
  • Wheat for grain, all                       223
  • Soybeans for beans                       102

Livestock Inventory (Dec 31, 2017)

  • Broilers and other meat-type chickens      562
  • Cattle and calves                                  25,111
  • Goats                                                      683
  • Hogs and pigs                                        142
  • Horses and ponies                                844
  • Layers                                                     3,577
  • Pullets                                                    484
  • Sheep and lambs                                  2,389
  • Turkey        (D)

Percent of farms that:

  • Have internet access                        64%
  • Farm organically                              2%
  • Sell directly to consumers               7%
  • Hire farm labor                                15%
  • Are family farms                              97%


Wolf Creek is one of the oldest settlements in the Greenbrier Valley and goes back to the very frontier days. Baughman’s Fort near Alderson at the mouth of the Wolf was purportedly settled in 1751. Information about Baughman’s Fort is available from the local historical societies.

Today Wolf Creek is a sleepy pastoral village in Monroe County with a Post Office, church, and a community building with a sparse population living near the waters of Broad Run and Wolf Creek.

Today, the Greenbrier Valley and Monroe County: Much of the past is still alive in Monroe County. The County seat of Union is a modern-day Mayberry, where folks still speak to each other in passing. Union offers all the shopping and business needs for everyday life; you will find an excellent hometown supermarket, hardware, quaint restaurants, attorney, insurance agents, pharmacy, the Bank of Monroe, the courthouse, service stations, and many other businesses. One thing that you will not find in Monroe County is a 4-lane highway, a franchise fast food, or a stoplight. Monroe County is still an agriculturally based lifestyle with farm families that go back hundreds of years. The population of Monroe County is 13,401; however, the cattle population historically is generally higher.


The Thompson Farm on Wolf Creek

The Farmhouse was constructed circa. 1977 brick ranch style with three bedrooms and two baths. Outstanding view of Keeney’s Mountain (highest point in Summers County). The home has three bedrooms and two baths, a large kitchen, living room with a wood-burning fireplace. The house is heated by electric baseboard heat and a wood-burning fireplace. The home has an inviting covered patio with a concrete floor.  The farmhouse is awaiting new renovations by the next owner.

Room information

Entry Level

Living Room               19.4 x 14.8
Kitchen                       15 x 12.8
Bath J & J                   7.5 x 7.4
Bedroom 1                  14.1 x 11.5
Bedroom 2                  11.3 x 14.1
Bedroom 3                  11.3 x 11.7
Bath                             5.8 x 5
Utility Room                11.8 x 6
Hallway                       12 x 6.4
Attached garage          23.5 x 14.6


Covered front porch      7 x 12.9
Covered patio             24 x 15 and offset 28 x 10


Multi-purpose workshop/garage 33.6 x 22 x 23.6 x 12.5
Barn, closest to the home, 32 x 38.10
Bank barn in the field 53 x 30
Entrance drive tool shed 25.8 x 16.4
Large equipment storage pole barn 28 x 70 maximum ceiling height 12.5


A portion of the farm includes edge forest land, creating the perfect blend for hunting and wildlife watching. An estimate for the value of the forest has not been conducted.


Historically the farm has been used as a residence and grazing beef cattle. With approximately ¾ mile of wonderful Wolf Creek flowing through the property, the property could be ideal for cattle, horses, sheep, pigs, chickens, and more. Running water and electricity are in place at the brick-and-stick-built multi-purpose workshop garage. The farm is well situated to be used for various animals. Various crops could be cultivated in the fields. Near the farmhouse are several suitable garden spots.


The mixture of mature forest, emerging forest, open farm fields, old fruit trees, and the excellent Wolf Creek water supply creates the perfect wildlife habitat. The “edge effect” created between the creek and farm fields and forest is the textbook habitat for the resident wildlife. The edges make a long wildlife food plot. The hardwood forest produces tons of acorns, hickory nuts, beechnuts, walnuts, and soft mast. Whitetail deer, black bear, red/gray fox, bobcat, wild turkey, squirrel, raccoon, fox, and many songbirds, eagles, owls, and hawks make up the resident wildlife population. It is hard to find a property with a better wildlife mix as there has been little hunting pressure for many years.

Many animals around the edges of wonderful Wolf Creek, including raccoons, turtles, salamanders, newts, crayfish, muskrat, bullfrogs, and redwing blackbirds. Of course, there is the insect and microscopic world, including butterflies, dragonflies, water skaters, water beetles, damselflies, and tadpoles.


For the following list of native medicinal plants and much of his data on Monroe’s animal and vegetable life. White oak, ivy, elder, black oak, witch hazel, jimson weed, red oak, wild grape root, Angelica, white pine, ground ivy, spikenard, pitch or black pine, dandelion, rattle weed, spruce pine or hemlock, boneset, Indian turnip, red cedar, silkweed, Mayapple or mandrake, yellow poplar, dewberry, sour root, yellow locust, comfrey, ginseng, wild cherry, teaberry, goldenseal, lung bark, wild ginger, red puccoon, white walnut, piassava, pennyroyal, white ash, lobelia, red pennyroyal, shellbark hickory, yellow barbary, horsemint, slippery elm, everlasting coltsfoot, sassafras, bittersweet, crow’s foot, black haw, sarsaparilla, black snakeroot, dogwood, poisonous sumac, Seneca snakeroot, white dogwood, belladonna, Solomon seal, prickly ash, and pokeroot. (Ref. Morton’s History of Monroe 1916)


The geology of  Monroe is very ancient,  being of the later  pre- carboniferous age. Actual coal does not occur except in the extreme west, only in a very thin seam.  There is indeed a vein of black shale so closely resembling coal in color and appearance as to be spoken of as such.  Yet it does not take fire and requires fuel to make it hot.  And as coal is practically absent,  natural gas need not be looked for.  The existence of oil pools is very doubtful,  owing to the age of the rocks and their crumpled condition.  A thick blue,  massive limestone formation covers very much of the county, as may be observed from the frequent outcrops and the numerous sinkholes.  Elsewhere the rock formation is usually of a sandstone nature.  A dozen varieties of stones may be gathered from the rock bars in  Scott’s  Run, differing vastly in color and texture.

The mineral resources of  Monroe are not diversified.  Rock is abundant for lime, building purposes,  and piking of highways.  Some of the limestones are so fine a grain as to resemble marble.  Even the existence of lithographic stone has been reported.  The mountains in the east contain much iron ore and some manganese.  But  to  quote  the  words  of  the  state  geologist, “those  who  seek  silver,  copper,  tin,  or  lead  should  waste  no  time  In West  Virginia.”

The extensive limestone areas are covered with a clay loam that is eminently suitable for grass and the usual field corps.  But here and there, the ledges rise to the surface to such an extent as to render it quite untillable.  Paralleling some of the streams and valleys are slaty hillsides,  where the thin covering of dry,  rotten shale is of very slight agricultural importance—a blending of lime and slate results in very sandy soil.  In the little pockets of creek bottom is a darker,  deeper,  and better soil.  The high uplands on  Brush  Creek have a yellowish,  sandy covering,  such as is observable southward of New  River. (Ref. Morton’s History of Monroe 1916)


Wolf Creek, a blue line creek, flows for approximately ¾ mile through or borders the property. Mr. Thompson had Honaker’s Well Drilling drill a well in 2015; the depth is 140 feet with 28 feet of casing.


West Virginia is one of the states in the US that has two ownership titles, those being SURFACE RIGHTS and MINERAL RIGHTS. A title search for mineral rights ownership has not been conducted. All rights the owner has will convey to the property. A title attorney could perform a mineral title search simultaneously as the surface title search is fulfilled.


There are metes and bounds for the property in the recorded deeds—a portion of the western property boundary fronts on Wolf Creek. A part of the northern boundary is state road frontage.  Some boundary is evidenced by fencing. The property is being sold by the boundary and not by the acre.


Water: 2015 drilled well serves the residence (farmhouse well 140-foot)
Sewer:  Sand mound septic system
Electricity: MonPower
Telephone: Frontier landline may be available – The owner uses a cell phone.
Internet:  Hughes Net, Countrymen Communications may also be available
Cellphone Coverage: Average


The front property boundary is Route 3 at the 5-mile marker.


There is currently no county zoning in Monroe County. All prospective purchasers are encouraged to contact the Monroe County Health Department for answers regarding installing septic systems and water wells. Further information on county zoning may be answered by contacting the Monroe County Commission.


This farm property consists of pasture fields with a long stretch of approximately ¾ mile of Wolf Creek flowing thru the property and in locations also serving as the boundary.

(This summary estimates current property use as determined from aerial photography.  It is made subject to the estimation of property boundaries and any errors in the interpretation of land use type from the aerial photography utilized.)


Deed Information: Deed Book 276 Page 435 less Deed Book 146 Page 420
Monroe County, West Virginia
Acreage: 138 acres +/- after subtracting the area being reserved.

Real Estate Tax ID/Acreage/Taxes:
Monroe County (32), West Virginia
Wolf Creek District (9)
Tax Map 10 Parcels 8 and 8.1; Class 2

2021 Real Estate Taxes: $804.74


Monroe County School District

Public Elementary School:
Mountain View Elementary School

Public Middle School:
Mountain View Middle School

Public High School:
James Monroe High School



The Town of Alderson, affectionately known as the “Gem of the Hills,” is an easy 15-minute drive; the town is tucked away in the lush Greenbrier Valley of southern West Virginia. It is situated along the beautiful Greenbrier River and includes Greenbrier and Monroe Counties.

In 1763, the nearby Muddy Creek settlements were destroyed by Shawnee Indians under Chief Cornstalk. Not until 1777, the town was settled by “Elder” John Alderson, a frontier missionary for whom the city was named. Here, he founded the first Baptist church in the Greenbrier Valley and later a Baptist seminary that was later moved north to become Alderson-Broaddus College at Philippi, WV.

The Federal Reformatory for Women, the first federal prison for women, was established in 1927. The town is renowned for its annual Independence Day festival, which West Virginia Living Magazine acknowledged as the state’s “Best Independence Day Celebration” in 2012.

Alderson, WV, today is primarily a residential community with retail establishments in its downtown historic district. These serve the many camps and vacation homes along the Greenbrier River and tourists visiting the surrounding countryside. Commerce and property values are increasing because of increased tourism and the sheer beauty of the river and surrounding farms. Alderson contains many fine homes from the turn of the 20th Century, many of which are in mint condition, never having been altered from their well-tended, original appearance.

The town of Alderson has been an active community for generations. Boasting the best and most popular Independence Day(s) celebration in West Virginia, the festival includes the vast July 4th parade hosted by the AVFD and numerous other groups and individuals. The Independence Day fireworks draw thousands to towns from multiple states and regions. Alderson’s amenities include churches, elementary school, motel, national bank, Dollar General, Family Dollar, gas/convenience stores, auto parts store and U-Haul dealer, barbershop, beauty parlors, insurance agency, the renown Alderson Store, two medical clinics, veterinarian office, pharmacy, and two funeral homes. Alderson’s restaurants and gathering places include the Big Wheel Family Restaurant, Riverview Café at the motel, Fruits of Labor Café, Stuarts Smokehouse, and the ever-popular Subway sandwich shop. Since 1898 Alderson has been home to Camp Greenbrier for Boys. This summer camp draws boys and families from several states to spend several weeks at this great facility. Alderson is located along the Greenbrier River in Greenbrier County and Monroe County, incorporated in 1881. Alderson was originally settled in 1777 by “Elder” John Alderson, a frontier missionary named Alderson. The town is also home to “Camp Cupcake,” the minimum-security federal prison where Martha Stewart spent her vacation.

The charming village of Union, which is the Monroe County seat, is a 15- 20-minute drive. Banking, healthcare facilities, drugstore, grocery shopping, and great family restaurants are readily available. Some of the friendliest people in West Virginia can be found in Monroe County. Monroe County has a population of about 13,000 residents and does not have a stoplight, and has more cattle and sheep than people. There are no fast-food restaurants, but local restaurants are well known for their excellent food and friendly atmosphere.

Lewisburg, the Greenbrier County seat, was voted the Coolest Small Town in America and is just a 25-minute drive to the thriving downtown historic district. The downtown boasts a year-round live theatre, Carnegie Hall, a new $3MM library, several fabulous restaurants, antique shops, and boutiques. There is also a modern hospital, attendant medical facilities, and big box stores. Several new schools have been built in the area.

The Greenbrier County Airport, West Virginia’s longest runway, is located 25 minutes away and has daily flights to Chicago and Washington DC. The world-famous Greenbrier Resort is 25 minutes, and Snowshoe Ski Resort is about 2 hours drive. Blacksburg, Virginia (Vtech) is about 90 minutes away, Roanoke, Virginia, is 120 minutes, DC is 4 hours, and Charlotte, North Carolina is 4 hours away.

Just 35 minutes to Sandstone Falls, Bluestone Lake, Bluestone State Park, and Pipestem Resort, the surrounding area offers unlimited soft recreational activities, including white water rafting, golfing, fishing, camping, hiking, bird watching, and rock climbing. The 14,000-acre Bluestone Wildlife Management Area is just across the river at Bull Falls on the New River. Snow skiing at the Winterplace Resort is less than an hour away. In 15 minutes, you can catch the Amtrak train in Alderson and ride to the Greenbrier Resort, Chicago, or New York City. The Beckley Airport is just 45 minutes away. The new 10,000-acre Boy Scout high adventure camp is an hour’s drive outside Beckley.



The lower Greenbrier River possesses the excitement of life on one of the nation’s great wild rivers. The focus of a vast outdoor-recreation destination, it flows untamed out of the lofty Alleghenies, attracting anglers, paddlers, and naturalists from across the globe.

At 162 miles long, the Greenbrier is the longest undammed river left in the Eastern United States. It is primarily used for recreational pursuits and is well known for fishing, canoeing, kayaking, and floating opportunities. Its upper reaches flow through the Monongahela National Forest, and it is paralleled for 77 miles by the Greenbrier River Trail. This rail-trail runs between Cass and North Caldwell communities.

It has always been a valuable water route, with many of the important cities in the watershed being established river ports. The river gives the receiving waters of the New River an estimated 30% of its water volume. Over three-fourths of the watershed is an extensive karstic (cavern system), supporting fine trout fishing, cave exploration, and recreation. Many important festivals and public events are held along the river throughout the watershed.

The Greenbrier is formed in northern Pocahontas County at Durbin by the East Fork Greenbrier River and the West Fork Greenbrier River. These are ephemeral streams rising at elevations exceeding 3,300 feet and flowing for their entire lengths in northern Pocahontas County. The Greenbrier flows south-southwest from Durbin through Pocahontas, Greenbrier, and Summers Counties, past several communities including Cass, Marlinton, Hillsboro, Ronceverte, Fort Spring, Alderson, and Hinton, where it flows into the New River.

Along most of its course, the Greenbrier accommodated the celebrated Indian warpath known as the Seneca Trail (Great Indian Warpath). From the vicinity of present-day White Sulphur Springs, the Trail followed Anthony’s Creek down to the Greenbrier near the present Pocahontas-Greenbrier County line. It then ascended the river to the vicinity of Hillsboro and Droop Mountain. It made its way through present Pocahontas County by future Marlinton, Indian Draft Run, and Edray.


Nearby, about a 30-minute drive to the New River and 2000-acre Bluestone Lake at Hinton. The New River is the second oldest river globally, preceded only by the Nile; it is the oldest river in North America. The New River is unique because it begins in Blowing Rock, N.C., and flows north through Virginia into West Virginia. The Nile and Amazon are the only other major rivers flowing north. It produces more citation fish yearly than any other warm water river in West Virginia. Smallmouth bass, largemouth bass, crappie, catfish, sunfish, hybrid striped bass, and muskie are all common species of fish found in the New River and Bluestone Lake.

Bluestone Lake is over 2000 acres at the summer pool and is the state’s third-largest body of water. Excellent hunting and fishing opportunities abound at the 17,632-acre Bluestone Wildlife Area adjacent to the park and nearby Camp Creek State Forest.


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